Monday, May 16, 2005

I just reformatted my computer. Right now, I'm feeling a tad bit emotional about it being so squeaky clean. I didn't do much backing up because of some complications which didn't allow me to. So much of the past few years have been erased: nights of slogging trying to finish choir reports/essays.. all my music and minus ones!! photos, cool wallpapers, powerpoint presentations, videos, silly things written by friends... Digitised memories don't last as long as good old paper and other more tangible possessions. Dear friends, it's time to bombard me with your personalities and memories of you!

Shili, I want some music! Jai, I want wallpapers and beautiful photos! Noe, I want that song you sent me! Everybody send me photos from our yesteryears! Gimmegimmegimme!


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