Monday, August 06, 2007


My dreams tend to involve cool undercover missions when I'm either a spy or superhero. This time I was on a outdoor mission to do something (I don't know what the end was because I never got there). First a Range Rover took some of us to the starting base - giving us a sneak preview of the aerial, mid-air stunts we're going to be doing by passing some water-skis, boats (oooh water sports bring it!) and all of a sudden plunging off a higher platform to lower ground and then solemnly parking.

We got off and we ushered into a banquet room and it was seriously huge! Breakfast was being served buffet style and I remember meeting some Datuks/Datins, and somehow my mom was there too asking me if I wanted some bacon (??!!). But right after a huge map appeared in the middle of the banquet room detailing ways in which we could reach our final destination. It was so mystical! Two was, either follow the map which has a tendency of wanting to deceive its bearers or follow the 'egg trail'. Some of us formed a team and decided to follow the egg trail - and for some reason the first thing to do on the egg trail was to have 7 eggs EACH for breakfast. We didn't understand why but we did it anyway and I accidentally pieced back the shell for my first egg and a message was formed, and a mummified insect appeared on top of the pieces. We figured out we had to do the same for all and then collect the insect pieces. and head out to our next stop. Right outside the exit of the banquet hall were more jet skis, water skis etc but we couldn't use those yet - we had to make our own way past a strange river which changed depths every now and then.

I woke up remembering I had rice in the pot which I forgot to refrigerate!


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