Monday, August 13, 2007

First Day

It was my first day at the new law firm and so far so good! My heart did a flip of delight when I saw my name plaque on the front of my future little spot in the department I'll be working in, bold black letters on gold :) And my desk, my computer, phone and other stuff which I was too excited to remember. I'm going to bring a plant! And fish bowl if they let me. Heh heh.

I have people to do my copying, printing, binding, scanning - I don't even have to type out letters. Just dictate them onto a dictaphone and pass it on to the secretaries. No more fiddling with formatting or typing or copying YAY! A nice guy who deals with the beverages brought tea and lush biscuits! No tesco value stuff :) I come in and my post will be laid neatly on my desk. If I need to book any catering, drinks, rooms, whatever for clients all I need to do is email reception to let them know. They're so professional and go the extra mile to make sure everything's in order.

Everyone's so nice! The secretaries, doc production, office facilitators, juniors, they always say the same thing, if I need anything don't hesitate to call them. The lawyers are really approachable too. Everyone seems to take pride in what they do.

I can't wait to qualify. The way I see it, there's nowhere to go but upwards.


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